Serving Our Sisters
We throw out the lifeline by giving love and resources to unhoused women and their children.
In Their Own Words
Hear from Our Community Partners (The University of Louisville, Nurses, Attorneys, 550-HIV Support, Family Advocacy, & More.)
We deliver services to shelters also.
How To Have Compassion For The Unhoused
Very few cities, if any, have zero unhoused persons. It is an epidemic that seems to have no end, due to a myriad of reasons. But, each one of us can reach outside of ourselves to help alleviate some of its ills. Here are a few tips.
Tip #1. Don’t Ignore Them
The anxiety and stress levels of unhoused persons cause them to often shy away from people and only deal with others when necessary. Pretending as though you don’t see them makes them feel even more invisible, which adds to their anxiety. Everyone deserves to be acknowledged. Just saying a simple “Hello” will go a long way. Acknowledging an unhoused person gives them a sense of value and can make a big difference in their day.
Tip #2. No Stereotyping
Every unhoused person has a story. Sometimes we think their story is a succession of bad decisions when so many times it was just life, that pounded away and got the best of them. Truth be told, many everyday working people are a few paychecks away from the same position. It would do us all good to put the shoe on the other foot, to try and understand how they came to be in that position. Paths to homelessness are endless, don’t forget that everyone has a story.
Tip #3. Get Educated
Find out about the unhoused population in your city. Discover where many of them live. Why are many of them unhoused? How many are veterans? How many are children? What do they need? Seek out organizations that help this population and find out what you can do to help.
Tip #4. Give
I’m not talking about giving money to them. But I am referring to giving in simple yet poignant ways. If you pass by unhoused people on a daily basis, carry with you some nutrient bars. Every now and then, give out small bottles of water to help prevent dehydration, which is especially needed in the hot summer months.
Instead of throwing away your used pair of gloves and scarf, clean them up and give them away in the wintertime to an unhoused person who is walking around without these items.
Tip #5 - Join Ranks
Joining or volunteering with an organization that has as its mission to help the unhoused. Volunteer your time, talent, and treasure to assist in serving them through legitimate organizations. Check your local area for unhoused shelters. Select one and volunteer your time.
S.O.S. “Serving Our Sisters” is a Christ-Centered ministry that seeks to be God’s hands on earth. We are always looking for hands to help, hearts to love, and mouths to speak good things. If you are looking for a volunteer opportunity or maybe you’d like to make a financial donation, please complete the form at the bottom of this page and someone from our team will contact you with information regarding your request.
Matthew 25:35-36 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
Thanks so much! - Ruth
S.O.S. Outreach Volunteer and/or Donation Form. The unhoused need your help.